Even though you have responsibly paid your insurance premiums on a regular basis, you may still have difficulty receiving a claim payout. Known as insurance bad faith, it is not legal for insurance companies to respond to claimants in such a manner. However, that does not stop insurers from mistreating their clientele.
In our blog and on our website, we have discussed insurance bad faith in detail. To refresh your memory, two examples of such practices include an outright denial of your valid claim and excessive claim processing delays. Kentucky law offers victims of insurance bad faith the opportunity to take legal action against insurers, but you can also attempt to resolve the issue on your own. Use the following steps as a guideline if this solution sounds appealing.
- Go over the complete contract between you and your insurer to look for claim violations.
- Make a log detailing all elements of your original insurance claim such as photos, estimates and correspondence between you and the insurer.
- If denied, request for someone with authority to review both your original claim and your denial.
- If all of your efforts at resolution fail, send your insurer a written demand that they pay your claim and be sure to acquire proof of mailing.
Often, it takes the threat of real legal action to prompt insurers to do the right thing. When the company still refuses to pay, it is time to consider other alternatives. Taking your original claim and your evidence to an attorney is the next logical step. Together, you can hold the insurance company accountable for their actions by pursuing an insurance bad faith claim. For additional details, please continue exploring our blog and our firm’s website.