What are the long-term effects of TBI?

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2023 | Personal Injury

A traumatic brain injury could completely alter the way you do things. You might need to quit your job and the severity of your condition may require someone else to care for you full-time.

Grasping the scope of the long-term effects you could face will take time. Staying realistic and finding a treatment plan that will optimize your recovery will require collaboration with your health care provider and the people in your life who care about you.

Limitations to mobility

Because TBI directly impacts your brain function, you could have serious difficulty moving and getting your body to respond the way you want it to. This could include trouble walking, self-care challenges and fine motor skills. Reduced mobility could make you feel trapped and increasingly frustrated. Consistent rehabilitative therapy can sometimes mitigate these challenges and help you optimize mobility given your condition.

Difficulty managing emotions

Being able to express how you feel is something many people take for granted every day. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a staggering 57% of people with traumatic brain injuries have moderate or severe levels of disability. You might find it impossible to communicate your feelings, as well as effectively manage your emotions. This could directly impact your ability to maintain relationships in your life.

Increased risk of disease

Given the compromised nature of your condition, a TBI could make you much more prone to developing threatening health conditions. Infections, seizures and pneumonia, for example, could all occur more rapidly in you than they would otherwise do in a healthy adult.

Mitigating the long-term effects of a TBI requires ongoing treatment and relentless support. Advocating for yourself may improve your ability to access the resources that will optimize your recovery.